Let us know what do you think about organ donation
1. Do you know the regulations in your country for the donation and transplantation of human organs?
2. Would you be willing to donate one of your organs to an organ donation service immediately after your death?
3. If you were asked in a hospital to donate an organ from a deceased close family member, would you agree?
4. Are there any particular reasons that make you less likely to donate your organs or family member’s organs upon death? You can choose more than one answer:
5. If you are willing to be an organ donor, what are your reasons? You can choose more than one answer:
6. Some countries presume that people wish to donate their organs at death. This is called presumed consent. Do you agree with the idea that everyone should be automatically included on the Organ Donor Register with the ability to opt out if they wish?
7. If you do not support presumed consent system, what are your reasons. (You can choose more than one answer). If you support this system, skip to next question
8. Some organs such as kidney or part of livers can be donated while you are alive. How likely are you to donate an organ while you are living to? You can choose more than one answer:
9. Do you think the sale of human organs should be legalized?
10. If you or your loved one needs a transplant and you have the opportunity to buy an organ from a living donor, will you buy it?
Please let us know any other thoughts you have on organ donation that were not covered above: